
mas...more...noch was...


Chakras 16"x20" Poster

about time...http://www.chakrasoul.com/

it has been a while since I posted anything here, and so it goes. Nothing new, no new art...just a sign that I'm still around, more later.


cleanup isle 4

...I know....this blog must be redone, organised, cleaned up....I promise, I'll work on it.
Yup....that's me ok, in front of the fireplace. No idea how many of these creations I have at this time. Some watercolors, most of my stuff is acrylic in basic as is colours. The range of the stuff I've painted is actually quite funny. Faces, figure bits, scenes, landscapes, girly parts, birds, pretty well anything that comes to mind, even a few flowers. Some copies of fix ups of other peoples work as well, a few repairs.  I will try to explain it as I get along sorting this stuff out.
I don't think of myself as having much talent, it's just a fun thing and whatever happens, so be it.
Too bad I can not draw....barely manage a stick man. Very little imagination actually, I can barely picture a pink elephant...but so be it, I will do the best I can and I actually must admit I like looking at my stuff and figure out, occasionally how I could have improved it.
I do my stuff in spurts, sometimes nothing for months and then a bit when the mood strikes me. I really want to do portraits, sort of in a modern but not abstract way, vivid colours but not gaudy and excessive. And there you are it's a fun thing for me, I will do my best but do not take myself too serious about it or profess to be an artist.


sanscrit art

I will make an attempt to paint this square ore 8x10


other artists...

...no not mine but inspiring, look up DianeBarbee
  look it up

The Fredsart Thing...

Much to my amazement I find that the counter shows over 12,000 views of this blog. When I first set this up I believe it was based on the counter ignoring my own access to the blog and so the 12,000 should pretty well be the actual number of visiting looking peepers.
Whatever art of mine if you want to call it art is displayed is largely a result of my efforts to convert images, small photographs and internet sourced material into some coloured images which to some extend I can call my or partly my creations.
I am not by nature a very creative person but give it a try as long as it's a fun thing to do. I even have troubles imagining a pink elephant and as far as drawing anything is concerned perhaps a stickman may look like something resembling something I have  created. I was a reasonably good wedding photographer years ago and I've grown up with a family who owned a fine collection of wonderful expensive oil paintings...that's about it.
Beyond that I must credit Diana to have encouraged me to try painting watercolour and mostly some acrylic efforts. I also spent a couple of winter month Monday afternoons with a local arts group most of them quite talented ladies painting a variety of most interesting scenes.


And now to my efforts to paint ..some more interesting females or parts. I want to make it understood that I have no interest in depiction of sex in any form.
There is a fine line between glamour and porn and I believe firmly that the girly magazines have crossed this thresh hold years ago.
In any case, my future efforts will be in the direction of portraiture and I hope to improve my skillswith this interesting hobby of painting.