Much to my amazement I find that the counter shows over 12,000 views of this blog. When I first set this up I believe it was based on the counter ignoring my own access to the blog and so the 12,000 should pretty well be the actual number of visiting looking peepers.
Whatever art of mine if you want to call it art is displayed is largely a result of my efforts to convert images, small photographs and internet sourced material into some coloured images which to some extend I can call my or partly my creations.
I am not by nature a very creative person but give it a try as long as it's a fun thing to do. I even have troubles imagining a pink elephant and as far as drawing anything is concerned perhaps a stickman may look like something resembling something I have created. I was a reasonably good wedding photographer years ago and I've grown up with a family who owned a fine collection of wonderful expensive oil paintings...that's about it.
Beyond that I must credit Diana to have encouraged me to try painting watercolour and mostly some acrylic efforts. I also spent a couple of winter month Monday afternoons with a local arts group most of them quite talented ladies painting a variety of most interesting scenes.
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